Adult spring Classes
The West Hartford Art League holds year round art instruction for adults and youths in the form of weekly daytime and evening classes Monday - Saturday in the fall, winter and spring. Special weekend and one time workshops are held throughout the year taught by a varied group of instructors.
Spring Session:
Our Spring 2025 session of classes will begin the week of March 31.
Registration will open Friday, February 13 for members. Non-member registration will open 2 weeks later on Friday February 28th..
Membership is $50 for one year and gives you a discount on classes, as well as early registration privileges.
View our class policies here.
spring adult CLASSES
Painting Fundamentals
Mondays, March 31 - June 9 No class May 26
10:00am-12:00pm, Zbigniew Grzyb
Painting class for beginner to advanced artists. We will focus on composition, balance of elements, and harmony of painting. The teacher will work individually with each student, giving constructive feedback.
Expressive Abstract Painting
Wednesday, April 2 - May 21 (8 weeks)
2:00pm-4:30pm, Heather Neilson
Explore expressive abstract painting and build your abstract painting skills and confidence.
You will be guided through exercises on the principles of value, color, shape, composition and more. You will also learn how to use GOLDEN acrylic paint and assorted mark-making tools.
Beyond structured exercises, you’ll learn to trust your intuition, cultivate mindfulness, and embrace your artistic voice. Learn to tame the inner critic in a warm and non-judgmental setting and bring your full human experience to your art.
Tuesdays, April 1 - April 29 (5 weeks)
9:30 am-12:00 noon , Karen Israel
In this course, we will explore the landscape through its many seasons and working from photographic references, where possible, we will incorporate the figure in the landscape. There will be much discussion on interpreting the pitfalls and benefits of photography and discussion of proportion and perspective when it comes to placing a reasonable figure in the landscape.
Tuesdays, April 1 - June 10 No Class April 15
1:00pm-4:00pm, Antony Zito
Work with renowned CT/NYC portrait painter, Antony Zito, whose classes are fun and informal but with a powerful emphasis on gaining skills and knowledge. Open to all levels, this weekly course will guide you through the creation of an in-depth portrait using acrylic paint on canvas.
Monday Night Pottery
Mondays, March 31 - June 9
No Class May 26
6:00-9:00pm, Mary Bramble Scott
The course will cover basic pottery wheel throwing techniques where students will develop or continue to improve, their skills in centering, throwing and trimming pottery forms. Students will learn to make the two most common forms from which almost all pottery stems; a cylinder and a bowl. From there we will learn more advanced skills and how to embellish our pieces with carvings, handles, additions and or other accents.
Wednesday Wheel Throwing
Wednesday, April 2 - June 4
6:00pm-9:00pm, Deanna Johnson
The course will cover basic pottery wheel throwing techniques where students will develop or continue to improve, their skills in centering, throwing and trimming pottery forms. Students will learn to make the two most common forms from which almost all pottery stems; a cylinder and a bowl. From there we will learn more advanced skills and how to embellish our pieces with carvings, handles, additions and or other accents.
Beginning and Intermediate Portrait Painting in Oils
Mondays, March 31- June 9
No class May 26
1-4 pm, Mike Laiuppa
This class is for both beginners and intermediates. Everyone learns at different rates and I will meet you at your level to help you improve. For beginners, we will focus on capturing the correct angles and proportions and learn what parts of the skull and musculature to be aware of when capturing a likeness. From there, we will be exploring turning the form with values and temperature, the importance of edge quality, choosing the right background to complement the subject, and more. We will work on multiple paintings over the course of this class.
Beginning Watercolor (8 Weeks)
Tuesday, April 1 - May 20
6:00 pm-8:00 pm, Carol Ganick
This class is for those with little or no painting experience. You will be given step by step instruction on materials, brush use, the three basic methods used to apply watercolor paint, mixing colors, applying correct values and a helpful drawing exercise. In each class the instructor will introduce a technique or painting exercise(s). Students will then practice during class time.
Drawing Basics (10 Weeks)
Tuesdays, April 1 -June 3
4:30pm - 6:30pm, Amanda Surveski
A beginner's drawing class designed for aspiring artists with little to no prior experience, and those who want a refresher. We’ll work toward developing and expanding our observational and rendering skills using a variety of subject matter. Working from life, we will learn basic techniques such as contour and gesture drawing, shading, controlling tones, composition and different drawing methods that will provide you with a solid starting point to embark on your artistic journey
Contemporary Abstract Art
Mondays, March 31 - May 19 (8 weeks)
1:00pm-4:00pm, Dianne Zweig
Classes will continue to focus on innovative approaches to making contemporary art. The Spring session, “Force of Nature - Sixties Edition” will combine the bold, colorful and Mod designs of the 1960s with contemporary interpretations. The historical period of the 60s on artwork will be considered and explored. Students will be introduced to noted artists.
Watercolor Workout
Tuesdays, April 1 - May 20 (8 weeks)
9:00am-12:00pm, Robert Noreika
This class will focus on simplifying the subject: seeing the simple values and then sketching them into a full color painting. Learn how to take an unsuccessful watercolor and recreate it with fluid acrylics. Many techniques will be demonstrated including ink and watercolor wash.
Beginning Watercolor
Monday, March 24 - June 16 No class Monday, May 19th & May 26th
5:30 - 7:30, Brianna Colbath
This class is for absolute beginners who want to learn to paint with watercolors. Starting from the beginning, learn how to apply water and paint to paper as you learn various techniques. The instructor will guide you as you paint and gain confidence in your abilities through exercises and instruction working from photos, From starting with the right supplies to building color into a finished work, this is a great class for those wanting to get started with the support of an experienced watercolor artist.
Watercolor: Advanced Beginner - Intermediate
Wednesday, April 2 - May 21 - 8 weeks
6:00-8:00 pm, Carol Ganick
Students are expected to have recent experience with and an understanding of techniques such as painting washes, glazing, layering, creating textures, masking, edge control, and brush application techniques. (e.g. wet on dry, wet on wet, and dry brush.) Classes will mainly focus on landscape and subjects from nature with emphasis on composition, values, and color mixing. As needed, practice assignments for improving skills in painting techniques will be provided.
This class is for students who have studied with Carol Ganick recently. Others who are interested must contact the instructor at 860-461-2448 to discuss training in watercolor techniques to determine if this class is appropriate.
Drawing Open Studio (10 weeks)
Tuesday, April 1 - June 3
6:45 pm- 8:45 pm, Amanda Surveski
This course is an open studio class where students can get constructive critique while working on independent projects and goals with guidance from the instructor. Students should have some prior drawing experience. This course offers the opportunity to develop your drawing skills, receive valuable feedback, and explore your style in a classroom environment.
Thursday Wheel Throwing
Thursdays, April 3 - June 5
6:00pm-9:00pm, Deanna Johnson
The course will cover pottery wheel throwing techniques where students will develop or continue to improve, their skills in centering, throwing and trimming pottery forms. Students will learn to make the two most common forms from which almost all pottery stems; a cylinder and a bowl. From there we will learn more advanced skills and how to embellish our pieces with carvings, handles, additions and or other accents.
Sketchbooking in Nature
Thursday, April 3 - June 5
5:00 - pm-7:00pm, Amanda Surveski
In this class we’ll work on refining our artistic skills through the use of a sketchbook. We will look at other artists sketchbooks for inspiration, discuss composition techniques and how to better our sketchbook practice by asking questions and observing nature. This class will take place both in the classroom and outdoors at locations around the greater West Hartford area. Students are expected to keep a working sketchbook through the course of the class.
Friday Watercolor-Independent Painters
Fridays, April 4 - June 6
10 am-12:30am, Carol Ganick
This class is open to students who are confident in watercolor application techniques such as wet into wet, wet on dry and dry brush. Critique of completed work will be an important aspect of this course. By sharing and discussing work we gain inspiration, new insights, and different perspectives. Class critique will take place at the beginning of class for approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours, followed by painting time. Consideration will be given to composition, color harmony, and value patterns.
Absolute Beginners
Thursday, April 3 - June 5
1 pm - 4:00pm, Deborah Velasquez
Express yourself with paint, drawing, and collage with intuition as your guide.? Have fun with new tools and techniques. We will paint to music, use prompts, make marks, make our own collage papers, collaborate, and more.? In this class I share techniques and strategies to enhance one's work. All exercises and techniques will sampled in an art journal which can be used as reference at end of class. I will guide you from paper, to paint, to canvas. Great class to begin your painting journey or add to your body of work. By the end of the class you have two ready to hang pieces. Discover your creative potential and style.
No experience necessary.
Drawing, all levels
Wednesdays, April 2 - June 4
1:00pm-4:00pm, Shauna Shane
The ability to see the world and express it in a beautiful way is a skill that is the foundation for everything we do in art, and once understood, the artistic journey can become one of satisfaction, even joy. This class is for anyone who wants to build the best possible foundation for your personal artistic journey. Whether a beginner or experienced, this class is your window into seeing the subject in a new way. With a different point of view you can see much more accurately. Value, negative shape, perspective, and the dramatic shapes of light and dark will be discussed.
Oil Painting
Thursdays, April 3 - June 5
9:00 am - 12:00 pm, William Simpson
We can all be better painters, we can all learn how to draw better. You don’t have to take the class to learn the secret – I’ll tell you right now – learn to look closer. Learn to really see what is in front of you. Easy? Not so much. Take my class, and we’ll learn how to see better together. We’ll also work on composition, and color. Working from your own photos, or choose from the hundreds of images I have. We’ll throw in a still life now and then, and an exercise I particularly enjoy, painting the Schoolhouse interior.
Beginning Painting
Fridays, April 4 - June 6
9 am - 12pm, Mike Berlinski
Learn about painting in a fun and supportive environment. A different basic painting concept will be briefly introduced and discussed for general information each week. Students are encouraged to bring their own images and/or ideas to work from. There will be plenty of individual guidance and help for each student.
Sunday Pottery
Sunday, April 6 - June 8
4 pm - 7 pm. Mary Bramble
The Sunday evening class at West Hartford Art League welcomes students at all levels. All students will have the option to wheel throw or hand build ceramic forms either functional or sculptural. Beginners will learn how to center clay on the wheel, pull the clay into a cylinder with an eye to making bowls, mugs and small vases. Intermediate and advanced students will have the option to focus on their own projects and receive guidance on complex forms and techniques, or participate in graduated assigned projects related to advanced forms such as lidded vessels or teapots.
Confident Landscape Painting
Wednesdays, April 2 - June 4
9:30am-12:30pm, Shauna Shane
Oil or Acrylic. Beginning with an informative demonstration Shauna will show you how to see the world in terms of shadow and light, simplifying the landscape to the most basic masses and values. With specific, individual instruction you will learn the “what, why, and how” of a successful painting. You will learn the steps necessary to be able to express effectively; how to see the world in a new way, and even more, how to achieve the gift of confidence.Known for her positive and enthusiastic teaching style, Shauna will provide instruction, demonstrations, and critique for the most advancement possible in the art of landscape painting. All levels: but some experience with your chosen medium is recommended.
Beginning Painting
Wednesdays, March 26 - June 18 No Class Wednesday, May 14th, May 21st, & May 28th
6:30pm-9:30pm, Brianna Colbath
Open to beginners and intermediates,. designed for students with little to no experience in painting, who would like to learn techniques to help develop and improve their own artistic practice. Using landscape as the starting point, students will receive individual instruction as they experiment with different styles and methods of painting. The ultimate goal of the class is for each student to understand the process, and develop his or her own personal style.
Paint Like Monet: American Impressionism
Thursdays, April 3 - June 5
1:00pm - 3:00pm, Zbigniew Grzyb
Connecticut is rich in the tradition of American Impressionism. Learn to paint in this style and create your own masterpiece with oil or acrylic paint. Students will learn techniques used by the Impressionists, how they captured light on canvas and transforming the color of light into a painting.
Watercolor Landscapes
Thursdays, April 3 - May 15 (7 weeks)
6:00pm-8:00pm, Mo Myra
This session is packed full of information on color mixing, observing, drawing for watercolor, and creating value studies. This session will take place indoors with students learning how to paint a landscape from photo. Photo references limit you and leave you asking a lot of questions, some of this session will take place answering those questions, and talking about how to work around the limitations of photos. Each class features a demo and time for students to complete their own paintings.
Sketchbook 101
Sundays, April 13 - June 15
11am - 1pm, Joe Nicorici
A class designed to help artists develop ideas and solid sketchbook habits. The class will focus on drawing from life, including still-life, models, drawing from photos, digital images and also journaling and collage. We will also look at Renaissance artists to contemporary artists' sketchbooks and how they developed their ideas and practice.